1- İntroduction

2- Background and motivation

2- Research hypothesis and objectives

3- Thesis organisation

3- Product development trends

4- Function and length scale integration issues

5- Multi-scale machining related issues

6- Process chains in micro- and nano- manufacturing

7- Systematic approaches to assess process chains

8- Material enabled process chains for achieving flsi

9- Micro and nano manufacturing technologies

10- Micro system technologies

11- Micro engineering technologies

12- Replication technologies

13- Bmg enabled process chains for achieving flsi

14- Tooling requirements and candidate tool materials

15- Overview of bulk metallic glasses.

16- Mechanical properties

17- Processing techniques for the fabrication of bmg based replication tools/masters

18- Bmg replication tools

19 Factors affecting the implementation of process chains

20- Summary of open research issues

21- Technology maturity assessment of micro and nano manufacturing processes and process chains.

22-  İntroduction

23- Review of technology maturity assessment approaches.

24- Methodology

25- Model design

26- Bmg-based process chain for producing replication masters with micro and nano scale features

27- İntroduction

28- Process chain design

29- Process and material issues

30- Laser machining

31- Fib milling

32- Micro injection moulding

33- Experimental setup

34- İnsert material

35- Fib processing

36- Laser milling

37- Process chain design for achieving length scale integration in bmg injection moulding inserts

38- İntroduction

39- Process chain design

40- Micromilling

41- Thermoplastic forming

42- Serial replication, Experimental setup, Tool insert material

45- Optimisation issues in serial manufacture of polymer components with micro- and nano-scale features

46- İntroduction, experimental setup, İnsert material

47- Contributions, conclusions and future work

48- Systematic approach for assessing the maturity of mnm technologies.

49- Design and experimental investigation of new bmg enabled master making process chains.

50- İnvestigation of the key component technologies in bmg-enabled master making process chains.

51- Future work

Size               - 6.46  Mb

Pages             - 329

Language       - English

File Type       - PDF


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