Kategori:2-05 CNC - CAD/CAM - CIM
- Computer integrated manufacturing
- Produck development through cım
- Prenciples of computer graphics
- Computre hardware
- Operatıng systems and envıronments
- Geometrıc modelıng technıques
- Fınıte element modelıng and analysıs ın cım
- CIM data base and data base management systems
- Computer aıded process plannıng
- Planning of resources for manufacturing through information systems
- Manufacturıng automatıon
- CNC machıne tools
- Robots in computer integrated manufacturing
- Computer aıded qualıty control
- Fundamentals of networkıng
- Collaboratıve engıneerıng
- Graphıc standards
- CIM models
- Flexıble manufacturıng systems
- Shop floor data collectıon systems
- Siımulatıon ın manufacturıng
- Index
Size - 3.89 Mb
Pages - 690
Language - English
File Type - JPG