1. Computer integrated manufacturing
  2. Produck development through cım
  3. Prenciples of computer graphics
  4. Computre hardware
  5. Operatıng systems and envıronments
  6. Geometrıc modelıng technıques
  7. Fınıte element modelıng and analysıs ın cım
  8. CIM data base and data base management systems
  9. Computer aıded process plannıng
  10. Planning of resources for manufacturing through information systems
  11. Manufacturıng automatıon
  12. CNC machıne tools
  13. Robots in computer integrated manufacturing
  14. Computer aıded qualıty control
  15. Fundamentals of networkıng
  16. Collaboratıve engıneerıng
  17. Graphıc standards
  18. CIM models
  19. Flexıble manufacturıng systems
  20. Shop floor data collectıon systems
  21. Siımulatıon ın manufacturıng
  22. Index

Size               - 3.89  Mb

Pages             - 690

Language       - English

File Type        - JPG

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